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Name required. Mail will not be published required. Windows 9 ISO Free. Windows 9 Version. Download Now. M Nasir Nasir :. Microsoft Windows 98 is probably the first digital love of most of us. It was released in June It was the first operating system which was considered best for games. Windows 98 was a lightweight and very customizable OS. It was perfect even up to or later. If you ask yourself if you had been a Win98 user or a person who used Windows 98, the old is gold would be perfect phrase comes in mind.

Win98 was though not very stable, it was easier to install Windows 98 which took a few minutes and was fun. Win was famous for its strict security. That is why it was used by banks, governments departments and other institutions where security was first priority. Being honest, Win was not a pleasant release. Its interface and graphics were so boring. The boot time took much time as compared to Windows However, it was more stable. If you ask anyone who used Windows ME, it was a real flop.

A useless operating system which was a mess of Windows and 98, but without their goodness. Neither it was a secure operating system nor could it support games. That is why it could not get popularity among public and died soon. Microsoft Windows XP was a brilliant, shiny and colorful operating system.

XP was so beautiful that it outshined all other operating system, including Mac OS. Its speed and performance made a huge number of users. If you look around, you will see people still using XP.

Though its users are decreasing gradually, still it captures a handsome share of users. Vista a just a beauty. The most beautiful operating system from Microsoft, ever.

Its glass theme and visual effects were wonderful, actually mesmerizing. Windows 7 inherited most of Vista graphical interface yet Windows 7 scores lower than Vista. Vista could not become a successful OS due to bugs and lack of usability features.

But it lead the way to the most successful Windows OS, Windows 7. Windows 7 is the last pure desktop Windows operating system from Microsoft. You may also like. Ansys 19 Crack Download July 3, Typing Master 10 Cracked Download July 3, Drivereasy Pro Cracked Download July 2, Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker.

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Windows 9 Item Preview. EMBED for wordpress. Want more? Clients must get to a great degree eager to think about things, investigating the following form of Windows. Along these lines, clients can get it initially to survey the refresh, and experience striking highlights included Windows 9 iso 64 bit variant of Windows 7.

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